Are you looking for more traffic, you can sign up for these traffic exchanges and increase your views!
Top 3 Traffic Exchanges
TS 25 - Traffic Syndicate 25
Hit Safari
Bonus: Web Biz Insider
Bonus:Traffic Pods
Bonus: Fast Easy Traffic
2) Create a page, lens, or wordpress or blogger blog linking to all of them with your referral link (similar to this one)
3) Set Traffic Exchange URL to direct the webpage you've just created.
4) Surf all traffic directories at same time in different windows, or different tabs to save "waiting time".
5) Once you have generated enough credits to have your website shown a significant amount of times, sit back and let your referral credits go on autopilot...
6) Go back and "tweak" your website... sign up for affiliate programs such as...
Simply add your affiliate link to your blog after joining.
7)If you can get your traffic exchanges set up so that you are gaining more credits than you are spending to have your URL shown, create new accounts at the same traffic exchanges, and start over...
You now have set up autostreams of self generating traffic. You can use your traffic exchange accounts to direct towards your site and use all your credits and get a lot of extra instant traffic!
...If you can't get more traffic credits comming in than going out market your site via other methods, as well as make small changes to improve your site... Small changes over a long period of time and you will be able to reach the point of having more credits than you are spending. Try Adding a button for people to "digg" your site... Add other social bookmarking such as Try creating seperate Personalized blogs that say "welcome (Name of traffic Exchange) User!"
Go to The Traffic Exchange Magic Blog and add traffic exchanges to your site along with a link bar. Once you have more credits coming in than going out, repeat the process and start again.
For More tips on how to maximize this system and increase the amount of traffic you get per every credit spent, signup for the free traffic secrets newsletter!