I am currently in the process of starting a blog that uses wordpress. Wordpress is a lot easier to use, and you can use a strategy of generating trackbacks, or links back from websites that you link to, very easily. Wordpress allows you to install plugins such as "related posts" "favorite posts" "top rated posts", plugins that will add social bookmarking buttons so you don't have to manually signup for everyone if you don't want to. Plugins that automated a lot of things, and a blogrush clickmaximizer.
You can still check back to this site, as I will occasionally provide you with a few posts, and will probably put an RSS feed of my other blog, but I will be providing a lot of advice on how to actually build a profitable business online, starting with laying the foundation for self perpetuating traffic.
You probably want to read the mission statement to see what this site is all about, and all the things that you're going to learn about.
You can check the blog out at
Free Traffic Exchange Secrets!
Traffic Exchange secrets
Sign up now to get the secrets towards self perpetuating traffic! I hate spam as much as you do and I promise never to rent, sell or give away your email address to anyone else.Friday, February 22, 2008
Wordpress Hidden Affiliate Profits
Posted by
massive 2.0 traffic
7:35 AM
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Where does your presidential candidate stand on the issues?
This website has a nice side by side comparison with links to sources. Someone did a great job of laying it all out. A must visit for everyone voting in the presidential primaries.
read more | digg story
Posted by
massive 2.0 traffic
2:22 PM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
The Divine Matrix 20 Keys to Concious Creation
New discoveries suggest that our world is the mirror of our beliefs. What we once believed is about to change! Author Gregg Braden bridges time, space, miracles, and belief!
read more | digg story
Posted by
massive 2.0 traffic
4:45 PM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Ron Paul takes New Hampshire!
This is exactly the type of headline I expect to see. Get out and vote if you're from New Hampshire...If not, you can still show your support by Digging the heck out of this awesome Digg post... Best Ron Paul interview I've seen!
read more | digg story
Posted by
massive 2.0 traffic
6:21 AM
Monday, January 7, 2008
Ron Paul takes New Hampshire!
This is exactly the type of headline I expect to see. Get out and vote if you're from New Hampshire...If not, you can still show your support by Digging the heck out of this awesome Digg post... Best Ron Paul interview I've seen!
read more | digg story
Posted by
massive 2.0 traffic
10:38 PM