In the last couple post, I talked about stumbleupon and Digg...
Now I'm going to talk about another social bookmarking site. This time, I'll talk about Netscape propeller. While Digg's search results, and Furl's and other sites results are based on the OVERALL number of "diggs", Netscape is more related to the amount of bookmarks (propells) a site gets within a time frame. 100 propells within a year isn't going to be listed as high as 35 in 16 hours. So Once you're receiiving traffic, a lot of times you can make a new post, put a netscape propell button on it, and if you get enough bookmarks to propell quick enough, you can be listed on the front page of propell which will result in a quick couple thousand of views... However, because of this, propell would normally be subject to a lot of spam, and useless articles. Digg had one the other day that said "digg this if you don't care about black monday"... But where Digg just sort of lets whatever comes to the top go to the top, Netscape propell, actually has a group of editors that will sort through the top content, make sure it's related to the things they want it to be about, and they will manually sort through the things at the top and put what they want to on the front page. If you can actually write quality content, this is to your advantage.
What you actually can do is use your traffic exchange credits to launch a massive promotion to one specific article, blast out ome classified ads to it, have the propell button clearly listed, and have you and a couple friends propell the article... Hopefully if you do things right, you can use the quick boost of visitors to your site to get a bunch of propells quickly, and get listed at least on the top of your category, which will lead to several more propells, which might lead to a front page. Which will lad to MASSIVE traffic, which will lead to a bunch of diggs, stumbles, etc. The instant boost of traffic from traffic exchagnes, will lead to a larger instant boost of visitors, which will lead to a bunch of diggs and a high digg rating, which will lead to a lot of medium term traffic, which can build a lot of long term visitors to your site. When using Propell, keep a few things in mind.
Here's some tips on how to get a lot of propells
Write compelling content.
-Write a very good title
-Study what the other top propelled sites do... see if there's a certain style that the editors like.
Send a list of your subscribers to the post by broadcasting a message. (I use getresponse)())()link()()()
Have a bunch of systems in place such as traffic exchange referral links, ads, blogrush, etc. Make sure you also have articles and perhaps videos and press releases out so you are already getting a steady flow of subscribers.
-Wait until you have monotized your sites with RSS subscription buttons, other social exchange buttons, bookmarked the sites using these buttons, an autoresponder form to catch the subscribers, and various other methods I talk about in the newsletter.
After You have done all of this, and have, dugg, stumbled, furled, etc the article, as well as dugg, stumbled, furled, etc anything you have promoted, or someone else has done promoting your article...
propell all the things promoting your article.
Once you have done this, blast out your ads, make a post in popular forums with a signature link to the article suggesting they propell itpropell the article, propell the article yourselff, have your friends do it... direct all your traffic exchange traffic to it, make more posts in the forums, and watch the traffic come in. This may take a lot of initial set up, and it might take awhile to get everything right... but trust me, it's worth it.
If you are going to put an ad in your post, be warned that you will probably get docked, and visitors won't like it... But if you do... Wait until AFTER you have cracked the front page of propell, because then you can at least slide it in and get massive traffic bfore people stop coming to your site from propell. Also, be very covert about it, and don't blatently advertise. Actually solve a problem related to one your post presents, and make sure it actually adds value to your readers.
You are probably better off avoiding it altogether the first time. Once you can consistantly generate top propell stories, you can experiment... But it's probably not worth jepordizing potential long term traffic (as well as short term), by putting a bunch of ads in there. You can have it on your other posts, and you can have it on your site itself, but leave it off the post/topic you are propelling,.
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Netscape Propeller
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massive 2.0 traffic
12:44 AM
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