In the last post/article, I explained how powerful this system can potentially be. I hope that those that read it have even better ideas than I do, and can achieve this quickly and easily. (and if you do, I'd like to know about it)
Now at first, I thought it might be incorrect to add this to my site. After all, although 1:1 is our ultimate goal, it would take 100% of the viewers to click on it in order for me to have a site that is able to be something that I literally can "set and forget". Even then, it can only sustain itself, and not increase at all. In addition, people have the opportunity to go elsewhere, and my competitors would love it, but if I could generate better than 1:1 without it, it seems more effecient. However, I actually thought about it in depth. I found myself factoring all the methods I had applied, and all the possibilities. A visitor could check out my blog, sign up for the newsletter, and read the first post, a few of them would sign up for the traffic exchanges, etc. some would click on the blogospher and not come back, but even if they did, if they had signed up for my newsletter, and If I provided them with good ideas, and good content, they still might come back. In addition, they would bring another visitor who could potentially do the same. When they come back to my site, they could click on blogrush site again, or they could sign up for my RSS Feed and come back more often, they could check out the methods and sign up, they could Digg my articles and increase my exposure slightly there, which will lead to more views and more diggs and more exposure. It should conitinue to grow. But then I saw blogrush on someone else's blo that I really liked. I clicked on the blogosphere but I wanted to stay on the page I was at, so I right clicked and opened the window in a new tab. In this new tab I noticed an article that was ok, I wouldn't be comming back to the blog because it was only slightlyabove average, and wasn't spectacular... BUT I saw 2 posts on blogrush that looked interesting so I opened the first in the new tab and the 2nd in the same tab. Now I eventually closed the windows, but I realized how much I love Blog RUSH. It was adicting to be able to check out so many high quality blogs glance on and move on to the next. I realized then that not only would the readers love the best sites, and come back, but theoretically someone that goes to aanother site, could continue to click on blogrush until they come across the same blog again, either the same post, or a different one. In this way, blog rush is very similar to (stumble upon), only it's a widget that you post on your site, rather than a toolbar you install. and there's no biased towards the sites that have gotten massive stumbles, instead there's a bias towards the ones that write a lot of content, with good titles, and sites that have a lot of people clicking on another blogrush post. This would be like every time someone stumbles from one site to another, the site they were on actually gets another credit. In some ways the sites with useless information or quick posts will get a lot of people on the site that DONT like their site so they move on by clicking on the bloggrush link. Fortunately blogrush inspects the blogs to asee if it measures up against a strict set of guidelines. I tried to submit my blog after only having a few posts, and realized after being rejected that my site didn't have enough unique content on it. It had a couple posts, that was it. So I immediately used the articles that I was about to send to the search engines, and posted them, and a couple days later I resubmitted and this time got accepted. Just having a desire to have blogrush on your site forces you to have a better blog, and it's kind of like an instant consultant for free as they'll tell you why they rejected you. You can make corrections, and then see if you fixed the problems, or if there are other problems.
So even if blog rush doesn't generate 1 viewer for every viewer you bring to your site, it will still add value to your site, and allow you to get more viewers, as long as you can have ways in place to get your viewers back to your blog.
Free Traffic Exchange Secrets!
Traffic Exchange secrets
Sign up now to get the secrets towards self perpetuating traffic! I hate spam as much as you do and I promise never to rent, sell or give away your email address to anyone else.Monday, December 31, 2007
self perpetuating traffic online part 3
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massive 2.0 traffic
2:57 PM
Monday, December 10, 2007
Corporate World Web 2.0 Logo redesign
How would the new logos be
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massive 2.0 traffic
12:40 PM
99 Top Resources for Web 2.0 Design
This is the all encompassing list for the latest resources that will help you improve your Web 2.0 design...
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massive 2.0 traffic
12:38 PM
More than 100 Web 2.0 Online Generators
A list of online generators specifically for web 2.0 design.
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massive 2.0 traffic
12:38 PM
Web2.0 - Extended Mindcloudmap [Awesome]
A very interesting web2.0 map!
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massive 2.0 traffic
12:38 PM
Web 2.0 in just under 5 minutes.
This video is sweet, check out the video that shows you how technology has evolved from written textr, to web 2.0. Very cool video.
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massive 2.0 traffic
12:38 PM
Has your RSS Feed Been Hugged Lately?
When I hear about a new service or Web 2.0 site I like to check it out and see who else is talking about this. The usual list of Web 2.0 marketing genius’s have talked about it including John Chow and Jack Humphrey and when they recommend, I usually listen to these two
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massive 2.0 traffic
12:28 PM
How to embed YouTube Videos in Wordpress
A very short video on the trick to embedding YouTube videos (or any other videos with embed code) into your Wordpress Blog and becoming a Vlogger!
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massive 2.0 traffic
12:18 PM
The Future of Internet Publishing Is… Different
Do it yourself is a sure way to fail on the web today. It is just too complicated for average users to become successful, high traffic website owners without a masters degree in internet marketing, SEO, web design, and content strategy. Find out what is soon going to be the new norm: Optimized Hosted Publishing Systems.
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massive 2.0 traffic
12:17 PM
Monday, December 3, 2007
self perpetuating traffic online Part 2
In the first part of Self Perpetuating Traffic Online
I talked about a method from "get google ads free". But I said I had a different idea.
This way would have to require absolutely no startup capital. The goal is not to bombard the visitor with random noninformative ads that do nothing for them, but to actually make a high quality worthwhile blog.
The concept is to have a large ammount of your visitors return first and formost. But that on it's own isn't enough, because you want to be bringing in more and more visitors. In addition you don't want to have to work to do that, you just want to have a system or multiple systems in place. So by having an autoresponder form such as getresponse, and by writing articles, and using those to get steady traffic, and maybe video marketing you're set right? WRong. Unfortunately although articles and video marketing can work really well, they will eventually fall out of favor, and the traffic from those sources will eventually deteriorate. So you could hire ghost writers to write to your blog, and then your visitrs would keep returning, and your rank in the search engines are high, but not only does that cost money, but we can do better. If we have every couple of visitors that return bring back a friend or two, or if we have them do something that allows you to gain credits, which in turn allows you to attract other users to your site, maybe every 3 visitors you get, the traffic you bring in, will cause 2nd wave of visitors, and the 2nd will attract a 3rd. But unless you average one NEW visitor for every visitor, this will eventually stop generating more. FOr example, if you had 100 visitors a month, that 100 might bring back 50, which will bring maybe 24, then 12 6 3 1 and no more... At this rate, your 100 visitors in a month, might turn out to be 200, but Even this can't prevent the dieing article exposure, or falling search engine rank. In order to be able to literally leave your site and come back 10 years later, and still potentially have it generating a nice amount of income, you need every visitor to return 1 or more. So now it just becomes a goal to set up systems that every single visito will bring at LEAST 1 person back either directly or indirectly. Since this is difficult to achieve, it becomes neccesary to monotize your blog almost entirely for traffic. But if you realize the potential for this, that should not be an issue. Consider this, if you can reach exactly a 1:1 ratio, your 100 visitors will bring back 100 more who will bring back 100 more and so on. If this traffic returned to your site at a fixed interval of time, you would be still limited in the amount of visitors per month by a fixed amount based on how many visitors you bring from the previous month. However, if you had things such as articles set up generating you a consistant amount of traffic, even if it doesn't last, your 100 visitors might become another 100 by the end of the month... now you have that extra 100 returning the next month and after that and so on... BUT your article still gets you 100 on its own the following month so you take the 100 from the article, the 100 from the traffic that visited your site generating 100 more visitors, and 100 from the traffic that was generated from last month, and sustained into this month. So you get 200 the first month 300 the next. 400 after that 500 after that 600, 700, etc, as long as your article maintains 100 per month. Once the article dies, as it becomes outdated and replaced by newer articles, you are left at a fixed amount of traffic... However it maintains that amount. So if after 9 months if the articlefalls off the face of the planet, you will be at 1000 viewers per month. This will carry over every single month, holding steady at 1000 visitors per month.
However, this is not usually the case, you would hardly EVER be exactly at a 1:1 ratio, and if you do reach the 1:1 mark, it's more likely that you reach something like every 1 visitor is 1.04 visitors... In other word, out of 100 visitors, rather than bringing back 100 visitors, you will bring abck 104. Once you're getting a steady 1000 per month of traffic, that 1004 will actually be increasing at a rate of 4% per month. We ALL know compound interest is extremely powerful. if you had a dollar invested at only 3% interest at the time of christ, it is estimated that you would control well over half the worlds wealth today. but 4% a month compounds into 60% a year... so if you had 1000 viewers growing at 4% a month, which is 60% a year, in 5 years you would have over 10,000 visitors generating every single month. Not to mention all of the subscribers to your newsletter you would have gotten. At that rate, even if you wonly would have 10,000 subscribers overall, and your ever increasing amount of subscribers could only maintain the amount of people unsubscribing or if the opt in limit for the newsletter was 10,000... you would only have to get an average of 10 cents a month from your subscribers to be getting 1,000 per month. Now everything here is feasible, there are certainly enough people on the internet clicking enough times for you to be able to get 10,000 per month, IF you somehow had a wayto generate it in a way that I said before. Google, myspace, facebook, youtube, they all grow at an extrodinary rate. People thought that ebay maxed out it's potential, and that it couldn't get any bigger in 2006... but it was getting over 50,000 new signups/registrations per DAY
so the hardest part is being able to maintain that 1:1 rate.
Posted by
massive 2.0 traffic
2:50 PM
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Get Ron Paul in Google News... Here's How!
Follow this story and learn how to get Ron Paul in every bit of google news you can!Create your own press releases about Ron Paul and get your website massive exposure using this technique!Ron Paul is the hottest thing on the net right now.
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massive 2.0 traffic
5:27 PM
"Who Else Wants Ron Paul To Win!?"
"Who Else Wants Ron Paul To Win!?"This Method Is very simple, but very powerful.Help Ron Paul: Show the other candidates that the internet Rules ALL!
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massive 2.0 traffic
4:56 PM
Who Is Ron Paul?
This site is awesome! Who is Ron Paul, and why does EVERYONE on the net want to see him win?Find out... Now Who else Wants to see Ron Paul Win?
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massive 2.0 traffic
4:55 PM
Over 7 Methods to getting traffic
7 quick tips to get traffic.
These are not a list of resources, but rather some overall general tips for getting traffic.
1) Use propper SEO... Even in the world of web 2.0, search engines still have a good use. Your site should be propperly optimized for the search engines. That means using the H1 tags and H2 tags properly, including your keyword in them
2) Optimize your links for the search engines. This means using propper "anchor text" when you post your links both within your site, and when you submit your links to directories.
3) Share your links - You want to make sure to get your links out their as much as you can. This means, creating articles and submitting them to article directories, submitting RSS fees, using classified ad directories, and link directories, posting on other's blogs (where appropriate), posting in yahoo groups, msn groups, yahoo groups, etc.This will not only get you direct traffic from people clicking through, but it will also get you traffic from a higher search engine ranking.
4) Seek for high traffic areas to get exposure. -When you do post your links, start with the highest traffic sites, and you can work your way down. If you can't post your clickable links with the right anchor text at these sites, you should still be looking at ways to get exposure to your site. Maybe you post a $1 aucition to get in ebay, and that ebook will bring users to your site, and you can also give them "master resell rights" to it so they can share it with their friends, or try to sell it for a profit. Maybe you can just type in your or yoursite DOT COM if the sites allow comments, but not HTML, or if they don't allow websites to be posted,aand typing in ".com" will get you banned, or won't allow you to post.. or if you can post a video, but not a link, you can create a video that has your website URL clearly displayed. To find the high traffic sitesstart with and search the top 500, starting with 1 and working your way down.
Also, Associate with sites that are associated with high ranking sites. while you can't get into google, you can try to get into google news, you can get into and google video and, all owned by google. You might not be able to directly post to yahoo, but you can post to yahoo answers, and yahoo 360 blog. MSN has Q+a and it has MSN video, and windows live links that you can use.You can usually be creative with this, and use google page creator and create google pages and have it link to your site.
5)Interact with people, while building links. -Currently forums are a great method to getting backlinks, but it's also a potential good source of traffic. Simply find the popular forums related to your niche and create a signature with your link and anchor text (if allowed). Post answers to people'squestions, build your reputation with the comunity, and solve people's probablems by sending them to your site without doing it directly. Social networks this can work in too, and more recently, video sites. With Video sites, you might have them check out your video, while you check out theirs.
6)Web 2.0 use it! - Keep up with the modern web sites, know what people are using and adapt. Send your site to social bookmarking sites, and catch on to the new trends. Wikipedia your site, review it, add it, digg it, furl it, youtube a video, stumble it, text link it, chat room, video, NETWORK.... build up friends in every online community you can, and build up links in every spot you can.
7)Integrate web 2.0 on your websites, add blogs and use web 2.0 features there. add buttons for people to "digg" you with.
Bonus: 8)Add widgets, buttons, rsss, etc - keeping up with the modern techniques and websites, and terms and methods on your own is good, but making it easy for your viewers and readers of your website and/or blog are even better.If your visitors can add your feed to "my yahoo", or subscribe to your podcast through itunes, or "digg" your site, it's great, but not everyone knows how. Your links should not just be up for everyone that knows how, but for those that don't know how, but are interested. Link them to articles that teach others how, even if your site doesn'thave the article. Redirecting them to another page, especially a competitor may not seem like a good idea, but if you reccomend it, your readers will associate that content with you, as if you were the one that wrote it. In addition, it's not uncommon for people to link to sites that are linking to them. In a way, if they link to you, and they see you link abck to them, it boosts your competitor's creditbility, and some visitors from his site might come back to his afterwards. But if he links to you, you get the same benefit, because your viewers will notice him linking to you, and it will establish your reputation. For the most part though, just providing your viewers and readers with the information they need, even if you didn't make the information, will boost your credibility and relationship with the viewer, and it will probably make him want to come back,. In addition, you are more likely to get more "diggs" if your viewers know what a "digg" is, and how they can use it!
Bonus: 9) Combine methods together - There are certain methods like traffic exchanges which work very ineffectively independently, but when added with the power of article marketing and social bookmarking, along with a few secrets from all of them, or just one, they can actually work to compound your traffic. Every couple visitor you get will lead to another visitor, or if you really impliment all of these well, every 1 visitor will elad to another visitor, or every 1 will lead to 2, which will in turn lead to a few more.Add "digg it" buttons to all of your articles on your website, then use those articles to promote your other articles, then add links to the articels to boost those articles search engine ranking, then add additional social bookmarking. The result is people searching, finding your article, following through to your other article, digging your article, and stumbleing your article. Then with your Digg ranking higher, it will boost your traffic slightly, and those users will "furl" your article, and subscribe to your xml feed, and later come back and subscribe to your podcast. Now your stumble ranking will increase and you'll get more views that way. Then people will sign up for your newsletter and come back, and then they might "refer a friend" who might do the same thing. And if you integrate traffic exchagne secrets, you can use those to get more traffic, which will cycle through and get you more, and your articles will be able to drive traffic to those "secret methods" and then you can set your traffic on autopilot!
Posted by
massive 2.0 traffic
8:47 AM
Netscape Propeller
In the last couple post, I talked about stumbleupon and Digg...
Now I'm going to talk about another social bookmarking site. This time, I'll talk about Netscape propeller. While Digg's search results, and Furl's and other sites results are based on the OVERALL number of "diggs", Netscape is more related to the amount of bookmarks (propells) a site gets within a time frame. 100 propells within a year isn't going to be listed as high as 35 in 16 hours. So Once you're receiiving traffic, a lot of times you can make a new post, put a netscape propell button on it, and if you get enough bookmarks to propell quick enough, you can be listed on the front page of propell which will result in a quick couple thousand of views... However, because of this, propell would normally be subject to a lot of spam, and useless articles. Digg had one the other day that said "digg this if you don't care about black monday"... But where Digg just sort of lets whatever comes to the top go to the top, Netscape propell, actually has a group of editors that will sort through the top content, make sure it's related to the things they want it to be about, and they will manually sort through the things at the top and put what they want to on the front page. If you can actually write quality content, this is to your advantage.
What you actually can do is use your traffic exchange credits to launch a massive promotion to one specific article, blast out ome classified ads to it, have the propell button clearly listed, and have you and a couple friends propell the article... Hopefully if you do things right, you can use the quick boost of visitors to your site to get a bunch of propells quickly, and get listed at least on the top of your category, which will lead to several more propells, which might lead to a front page. Which will lad to MASSIVE traffic, which will lead to a bunch of diggs, stumbles, etc. The instant boost of traffic from traffic exchagnes, will lead to a larger instant boost of visitors, which will lead to a bunch of diggs and a high digg rating, which will lead to a lot of medium term traffic, which can build a lot of long term visitors to your site. When using Propell, keep a few things in mind.
Here's some tips on how to get a lot of propells
Write compelling content.
-Write a very good title
-Study what the other top propelled sites do... see if there's a certain style that the editors like.
Send a list of your subscribers to the post by broadcasting a message. (I use getresponse)())()link()()()
Have a bunch of systems in place such as traffic exchange referral links, ads, blogrush, etc. Make sure you also have articles and perhaps videos and press releases out so you are already getting a steady flow of subscribers.
-Wait until you have monotized your sites with RSS subscription buttons, other social exchange buttons, bookmarked the sites using these buttons, an autoresponder form to catch the subscribers, and various other methods I talk about in the newsletter.
After You have done all of this, and have, dugg, stumbled, furled, etc the article, as well as dugg, stumbled, furled, etc anything you have promoted, or someone else has done promoting your article...
propell all the things promoting your article.
Once you have done this, blast out your ads, make a post in popular forums with a signature link to the article suggesting they propell itpropell the article, propell the article yourselff, have your friends do it... direct all your traffic exchange traffic to it, make more posts in the forums, and watch the traffic come in. This may take a lot of initial set up, and it might take awhile to get everything right... but trust me, it's worth it.
If you are going to put an ad in your post, be warned that you will probably get docked, and visitors won't like it... But if you do... Wait until AFTER you have cracked the front page of propell, because then you can at least slide it in and get massive traffic bfore people stop coming to your site from propell. Also, be very covert about it, and don't blatently advertise. Actually solve a problem related to one your post presents, and make sure it actually adds value to your readers.
You are probably better off avoiding it altogether the first time. Once you can consistantly generate top propell stories, you can experiment... But it's probably not worth jepordizing potential long term traffic (as well as short term), by putting a bunch of ads in there. You can have it on your other posts, and you can have it on your site itself, but leave it off the post/topic you are propelling,.
Posted by
massive 2.0 traffic
12:44 AM
Stumble Upon
Stumble Upon...
Stumble Upon is probably the latest craze that is getting bigger and bigger. I actually hear my MOM talk about stumble upon... apparantly my sister was told about it through one of her friends who probably had been told about it through another friend... So I got this email the other day from my own mother about how she had found this cool site through stumble upon... When that happened, I knew that stumble upon and other social bookmarking sites are on the verge of becomming something HUGE. Then I overheard a woman who was in her 50s talk about how whenever she needed the latest news, or to check if a rumor was true she googled it. Now the younger generation is usually WAAY ahead of the rest of the world. When Youtube started booming shortly before google bought it out, everyone was starting to catch on... the younger generation had known about it for the last year or two!
So if an older person talks about regularly using one form of technology... it's time to move onto the next... Now my mom uses the computer a lot, so she actually is only a little bit behind the recent craze. She found out about "the secret" while it was still being hyped up and before it was released, and months and months later it was on oprah (which she loves) and it had kind of reached it's peak. I go through a few things, some which become popular very quickly, others not for awhile... But one way I really know that something is going to catch on fast, is when it's related to something that's already popular, it's introduced in a new way, and one verification is when old people start using and talking about using the sites or technology that this new one replaces (in this case social bookmarking sites are replacing search engines) the ultimate verification is when my mom tells me about it! I know that it's starting to expand into a whole different target market, and that means it's probably spreading into other markets as well.
Stumble upon is real fun because you have a toolbar on the top which has a few buttons. One is "start stumbling" the other is "i like it" and "I don't like it"... there are a few more buttons as well. If you click on the "stumble" button, you will be taken to a seemingly random site, but you are actually taken randomly with "weight" given to those that has more people that like the site. In this sense, the "rich get richer"... But of course, the stumble users will love this, because they are taken to sites chosen by the people for the people. There are also certain categories that you can choose, and you will only be taken to sites within those catgories. If you only want to stumble your way onto games, you can choose "games" as your ONLY category. The result is visitors that WANT to be at your site... In addition, if you are searching the internet, and you "stumble upon" a site that you like on your own through search engines, or whatever method you use... You can click "I like it" and a screen will pop up if this site has never been stumbled before, allowing you to pick a category, and write a description. You can add your top Stumbled sites to your "favorites" and you can build a list of friends, just as you would through digg. Since people aren't exactly searching for sites, you don't have to worry too much about keywords. You basically have stumble taking visitors to your site anyways. You can create a button for stumble upon... just as you would for Digg, or any other social bookmarking site, but because of the toolbar, you often don't even need a stumble button to get a lot of stumbles... A couple sstumbles will lead to a few more, etc.... Of course, If you do add a button it will be more effective, and get you more adds. Now if the interface is easy enough for my mom to at least use it in some way wwithout needing explaining, it's probably going to catch on pretty fast... But if it ALSO has more advanced features, when everyone else is just scratching the surface of what something can do, you should be diving into all of the features. Now there will be tons of people just VIEWING these sites, thinking it's just random, and perhaps not even knowing what the "like it" and "don't like it" button do. And certainly not realizing that these websites are created by a community, and that you can choose categories, add friends, add sites, etc. Right now, I've just added a few of my sites, and added a few stumble buttons on my posts... But you can be sure that over the next few days, I'll be adding friends, becomming familiar with ALL of the features both on the toolbar and the sites themselves, implementing them, combining this witht he power of other sites like Digg, and developing a marketing plan around it. I'll update you with more info on how to use stumble upon soon, so subscribe to my blog, maybe even start using it and stumble my site so you can keep track of it.. and watch out for the next post I make about stumble.
Posted by
massive 2.0 traffic
12:44 AM
Digg - One of the more recent phenomenom's in the world of the internet are social bookmarking sites. An example of such a site is Digg. Digg can be used to keep track of your favorite sites, to see what sites other people are keeping track of, or to promote one of your own sites, and let people know that it's on your list.
Digg users can let people know they like a story, they can blog a story allowing people to "read more" or to "digg it" themselves. They can share the story , or they can bury the story if they don't like it. When stories get a lot of diggs, they appear at the top of their sections if they have more diggs then everyone else. Of course, then there's old stories that have a lot of diggs. These are sorted out becuse on the front page of digg, it brings you to the most recent... those sites that are new but have still been digged by hundreds of users. Then there's a bar where you can sort by the top diggsin the last 24 hrs, or top in a week, month or year. As you can see, Digg is designed to prvide users with recent updated and releevant content.
You can certainly create quite a buzz if you can provide hip relevent content to your site, and if you currently get enough traffic to get you a few "diggs". But there are a few things you must know.
There is NO shame in digging your own content, or promoting a button for others to click on to "digg" your site.
- Digg users sort through digg, and often only read the title, and then the brief description, if they decide to click on the title, before they even look at your article.
-If you want to compete with the top Digged stories in your category, (which you'll need to do tto get massive traffic), you'll need to have ways to get a lot of traffic to begin with.
So that beggs the questrion: "How can I increase my diggs?"
Doing so can be a fairly difficult process if you don't use other methods to generate trffic. When you're first building your site, don't expect a lot of diggs. Plan on building various systems to get you traffic. Use traffic from other social networks to get you more diggs (more on this in another post)
These systems of traffic can start with all of the things I've talked about in (this post), as well as a few of the things I talk about in my newsletter. Since Diggs are so focused on short term results, gradually trying to build it when you do not have these systems in cplace, isn't that benneficil. You probably will see a lot of posts which don't have many diggs at all, but giving people the option to digg your site, and digging your own articles is still benneficial. If you can generate extra visitors to your website, even if small to start with, and you have things like RSS feeds on your site and autoresponders to allow readers the opportunity to come back to your blog. It's worth your time. Before you can expect enough traffic to get a significant amount of diggs (which will lead to a significant amount more) First you must build your site in a way that allows every user to generate credits that will go towards more users. This includes things like traffic exchange reccomendations, other social exchange buttons, rss feeds and "subscribe buttons", unique content, widgets from sites like blogrush (which require a solid amount of unique content first), and a flow of traffic that you will get from article directories, press releases, link exchanges, backlinks on other popular sites, videos, etc. In addition, you will want to sign up to digg, search for content related to your blog, and add these digg suers to your friends list. Then add their friends friends which is as easy as viewing their profile and clicking "add friend" on all of the friends listed on their page, no new windows need to be opened. Now when you have a group of friends, you're going to want to digg a bunch of their sites that they have submitted, as many will do the wsame back to you if you do. maybe even blog their content and digg the post that is about the news item they submitted to digg. If you notice someone has blogged your content "help them help you" and digg their post.
Now you can add more of these social exchange sites to your blog, and do similar things and you will start to build a group of members and friends via these exchanges, which will lead to more diggs, which will lead to more site views, which will lead to more "furls" and "stumbles" and other social exchange adds, which will in turn lead to more views and as a result more diggs, etc...
Posted by
massive 2.0 traffic
12:43 AM
Thursday, November 29, 2007
The secret to massive digg/stumbleupon traffic
I'm ALWAYS working on ways to increase my ratio of repeat traffic. And I'm always trying to make the blog better for you, the viewer. One of the many reasons it makes sense for you to also view the visitor much more so than other bloggers, is while using the self generation traffic exchange methods, every visitor can convert into another visitor, which can convert into another, and another. I see every bit of potential with social bookmarking sites such as digg or stumble upon as I do with traffic exchanges in terms of allowing your traffic to bring back more traffic. So when I see a post related to information to Digg/Stumbleupon like this one, I pay attention.Here's a brief bit from the article..."Someone else did a big chunk of the work when he or she Dugg or Stumbled the story. He or she might have IM’ed some of their Digg/SU friends, to invite them to participate.What if that fan Dugg or Stumbled your next great story? Who wouldn’t want a fan like that as a regular reader? We could all use more quality friends that we haven’t met yet. After all, relationships are what social networking is about. Isn’t it?I know this is going to sound “too Liz” easy, but the answer is simple.Just say, “thank you.” Yep. That’s it. Say, “thank you.” Find a way to show your appreciation. That Digg/StumbleUpon User probably sends tons of traffic to a number of sites every day. Yet, rarely does someone stop to say “thanks for the effort.” Be that someone. Do right – the way your mom taught you – and you’ll be that little bit remarkable. You also might make a true and influential friend."
read more | digg story
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massive 2.0 traffic
6:56 PM
Self Perpetuating traffic online part 1
This website is for those of you that wish to get traffic to your site. But ultimately I introduce a new concept which is to go viral. The idea is to monotize your blog for traffic, not to generate revenue.
This idea came after reading GetGoogleAds Free ebook, where it goes into emmense detail on how to offset the cost of advertising on google, by doing things such as selling ads on your site, or even to profit. This is in addition to running your campaign. While this is a great strategy if you can pull it off, your readers are forced to endure looking at a lot of ads. The author proposes that you only create a "splash page"(click on the link to see an example). This way your visitors can sign up to your email, and you can bring them to a site that isn't overwhelmed with ads. The people paying for the ads are happy, because they pay a fixed amount, which effectively turns out to be a lot less than your cost per click. However you win because you have 10 or more ads on your page, in combination paying a lot more monthly than your monthly cost of advertising. You are then able to reinvesst that money along with any earnings into next months advertising, and you can increase the cost of advertising every month or so as you get more traffic, and as a result, you will get more traffic.
This method certainly has a lot of merrit to it, but it takes work, and a decent advertising budget to get it started., as well as graphics telling people to "buy this advertising space" and an easy way for them to be able to buy the space.
For the internet newbies, and intermediate beginning marketer., this method can be difficult as well.
However, the fundimentals of the idea are so great, that I had to try to duplicate it in my own way.
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massive 2.0 traffic
8:30 AM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Revolutionary traffic
There are certain methods of traffic, that if done right, are self perpetuating. What I mean by this is, they don't require any additional work once set up. For example, traffic exchanges reward you with "credits" for either surfing through sites, or for referring others to the traffic exchanges. Surfing requires work, so it is not self perpetuating. However, if you put up a site with traffic directory referrals on it, and from the people viewing your sites on the traffic directories, enough of them sign up for the other traffic directories to make up for the credits that you spent to advertise for the first traffic directory, you are generating more credits than you are spending to advertise this site. In this sense it is sself perpetuating. If you could pay for ads via adwords or other ad services, and promote a site for very cheap, and your site had ads where you made up for your cost of advertising, you would have self perpetuating profits, provided you didn't have to change your ad campaiign. Unfortunatly google doesn't allow you to put up adsense on sites that generate traffic through traffic exchanges... But The idea is, you want to create a bunch of systems that are both self perpetuating in terms of profit, and self perpetuating in terms of traffic. I am now going to show you a plan that compoundsthis method (or at least attempts to! Unfortunately you need a high conversion to make it work for the traffic exchanges, and so posting ia list of the traffic exchanges to join on the side of your site probably isn't enough. The focus needs to be on traffic if you are going to make this work. You may have to upgrade your membership for this to work IF the traffic exchange will upgrade your amount of credits per referral by doing so. However, paying monthly usually isn't smart, so if it's a one time fee, go for it, if it's monthly consider it, but probably don't do it. So basically you want to create a site promoting the other traffic exchanges, and a secondary optional focus on affiliate programs related to traffic. But in order for this to be self perpetuating, this alone isn't enough. You want to capture visitors email in an autoresponder. This way if they miss signing up the first time, they still might signup for n email list that will convince them and give them the details of why they need to sign up and if they already have to create another aaccount. You can use their email for MANY other things down the road.
Now If this method is truely self perpetuating, you can send your viewers here rather then to your actual site. Now on this site, you might have a small link at the bottom that goes to your actual site or blog if you wish, or you can put a link to it in your email. It's more important to funnel others into a self perpetuating method than to go to your site, because every 1 visitor might mean 1 more, which means 1 more, which means more and more and more. Now there are many other self perpetuating mthods, this in itself is not special... HOWEVER, I will now show you how you can combine it with so many other methods...
Another self perpetuating method is writing articles. It's not in the same sense that one visitor will lead to more due to the other visitor on it's own, but it will continue to generate views over time. Now if you can add to this article skills that enable it to rank high in the search engine, then you have people click on the search engine and search for the article, and you have people viewing the article... And if you use Digg for the article, you can have people view the articlethrough searching through digg. But Now you can link to your "digg" story and get people that "digg" this will increase it's rank. Now if people "digg" it, and it's ranked higher, more people will see it, which leads to more "diggs" Now you can send the article to those who signed up for your list the link so they can "digg" your story. You can post links on forums telling people to digg, and you can even make an article about services like dig, and your link can tell them to "digg" you. . Now there's methods on "myspace and other social netorks that can get it self perpetuating. Posting videos on major video directories are somewhat "self perpetuating, because one video view might lead to someone checkign out your video profile which leads to additional video views. Now if you have links on your videos to your blog and/or your articles and other things, you're going to get more visitors. Now you can submit classified ads telling people to check out your traffic secrets, and when they sign up you can email them a ink to your article, and have them "digg it" and then you can send them a link to your video... and you can post your video on your myspace profile, and you can keep adding things like this. Connect as many self perpetuating traffic ideas as you can, and then move on and create another entire group of these self perpetuating methods... When you have a few going, you can link to each other... just a small link might be enough, but find a way to connect them, and make them unique. For example, you might have 4 groups of sites or blogs all pointing to the other 3 traffic directories... they might consist of Traffic G, Traffic Swarm, Traffic Splash, and TS25... And your other group might consist of Magnify traffic, SavvyClicks, Web Biz Insider, and Fast easy traffic.You can then modify your posts to say something like "did you sign up for these traffic exchanges, if not you should check it out, you can create self perpetuating traffic by... (continue to explain). IOnce you've done that, if you want to set up more of these you can either sign up under a new name, or you can check out other traffic exchanges like you'll find here (link to your other related site)"
Now both systems are basically mirrors of each other, but once you web them together, as long as they're fairly different, but not too much, If you can link them together and direct your traffic in that direction without sacrificing your conversion rates of the other ones, your self perpetuating method will magnify itself again.Not only will you be getting a continuous stream of traffic, but you will get an increaseing stream of continuous traffic. You will continue to add MORE of these on.... Now suddenly Methods that MAY have not been worth your time before suddenly are. Before you might only get a small number of people clicking on a classified ad and to your site, but now that small number gets stuck in a vortex, and in doing so allow you tto generate more traffic. Compounding traffic. Now why not crreate a website promoting an ebook on traffic. Now you can promote it on your traffic blogs or through the newsletter.... But what's more, in the ebook you can direct the people to your blog explaining the tactic, and in addition, you can teach them how they can use their autoresponder to generate profits by referring your ebook. Now every customer becomes an affiliate for your ebook, and they also sign up for traffic exchanges through your link.. They also use the same exact tactics you use, so they will also set up automatic streams of traffic. DO you see the power here? Just in case your self perpetuating traffic boost wasn't self perpetuating enough, you have those that buy your book to become your affiliate, so every person that buys your book might go on to get 5 sales each, which get 5 more, etc... but they're also setting up self perpetuating traffic themselves. Now there self perpetuaing traffic is designed to promote your ebook... But even if people don't buy your ebook, they'll probably check your site out and click on it, and maybe sign up for your newsletter... Your newsletter will then send them to your blogs, which generates more credits, which generates more buyers whch generate more affiliates, which generate more buyers, etc.. In addition people are diggin g your site because they've signed up for your newsletter, they're digging your articles, your videos, and everything else is growing... Now in the future you can create systems that are similar but focus on promoting a list interested in growing a business or building a website. You can sell an ereport on how to build a website, then in those ebooks link them to "how to build a business" which links to "how to build a website" which links to "how to build traffic"...
Now after all of this, you are creating an empire, however, you want to promote this stuff to affiliates. You want to do JVs, and get super affiliates... continue this over and over again... then you can use your network to takeover the different niches, you can create a social network, and single handedly build it, you can essentially revolutionize the internet.
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massive 2.0 traffic
11:20 AM
Traffic Secrets - Guaranteed Traffic
With rising PPC costs creating more and more competitive pricing, it can be difficult to have an effective PPC advertising campaign to get traffic to your site, and often a waste of money as well.
So what else can you do for traffic? Well, if you want long term traffic, you can combine other web 2.0 tricks with the power of traffic exchanges. Traffic exchanges on their own are not very useful. But leverage a few secrets with web 2.0 tricks, and you have a self generaating stream of traffic. Traffic exchanges, is a group of many people grouped together agreeing to visit other websites in exchange for people visiting theirs. Those that join traffic exchanges will eventually find out that they are trapped, foreced to keep surfing if they want more traffic...
But those that find the secrets are amazed at what traffic exchanges can do!
Traffic exchanges have a feature where you can gain advertising credits for referring other people. This means that no surfing is really needed. You simply can use methods to promote your site and your site will just have links referring others to the other traffic exchanges. But here's the trick... You use your credits to direct your traffic to that site. If you combine it with other methods such as using article promotion to promote that site, you can eventually have more credits comming in, than going out. Now for awhile, I suggest using all your credits towards this blog so you can continue to generate more credits... But then you can start feeding some of your extra credits over to the site you want to promote. Of course if you have people digging your articles, and clicking over to your videos, your increasing your chances of getting more traffic later.
But in order for your traffic exchanges to continue to generate traffic you still will want to know a few other tricks. Setting up an autoresponder for example, is a great way to make sure those at the traffic exchanges don't just click and then leave. If you can get them signed up for your list, you can promote the traffic exchanges so you continue to have more credits and you can promote your actual website which is your goal anyways. Personalizing your traffic exchanges specific to each traffic exchange, also can improve your conversion. Using classified ads, and forums, and other methods to promote your traffic exchange will keep your referrals flowing enough to keep the traffic going while you tweak your site. Changing your site up, adding a few more traffic exchange referrals, and taking a few off might also help. Massive submissions to FFA and other ad directories using ad blasters, or massive emails by buying lists of course will get more people, but mroe people doesn't mean you will convert a higher rate neccesarily. Upgrading your traffic exchange accounts to pro will sometimes automatically increase your credits earcned per referral (as well as per click) by a fctor of 3. Find out which ones... you should be willing to pay the amount if doing so will put you over the edge... remember, if you have more credts going in than going out, you essentially have unlimited credits to advertise via the traffic exchanges.
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massive 2.0 traffic
8:28 AM
Build it and they will come? Pt 3
Build it and they will come might be true in the phyical world, but is it true in the online virtual world?
This is the third article in a series of articles that attempts to answer that exact same question You can find Part 1 and Part 2 below
Combining article marketing, and social bookmarking is just one way you can build your site in a traffic friendly way. However, you have to make a clear reason for them to want to socially bookmark your site. It has to be something that they'd want to show others. So you want to build a site that is user friendly, and traffic friendly. setting up "reminders" at the bottom of each page that people can bookmark your site is a good start. But the content of your site must be good enough, and unique enough for it to stand out. Unless your website does something to differenciate already, you're going to have to find some unique way to catch your viewer's attention.
What about video? If you can create a video related to your site, or create a video on your site, and relate it to your promotions, you will improve the quality of your site. Not only will this make people more likely to want to add it to digg, and other social bookmark sites, but you will get more people coming to your page if you do it right. Simply make a video, and in the description box put a link to your website. In the video itself, you can mention your site a couple times, at the beginning, and at the end. Now submit your video to google video, youtube, yahoo video, msn video, myspace video,, etc. You will have tons of traffic comming from these places. See, using video is yet another way of "webbing" your site out to other highly populated (or as they say online "trafficed") areas.
Now you can cfcreate more videos, or break 1 video down into a few parts. Then you can use your video to "reply" to youtr first one. and you can use the description box to make a link to the first video as well as to your blog. This way people that see your first video, can see the 2nd video. There can be visitors that might see one but not th eother... by allowing them to see both, you keep their interest, and you get more video views. Some people search by "video views"! so the videos with more views will get more than those with less, with all other things being equal. Now if you have a subscriber list, you might want to send them to the video so you can get more views, which will lead to more views later on.
If you don't have any subscribers, you need to start collecting them. Iyour customers might forget about your site, or not be able to find it again, and WANT to come back... You need to start taking their email so you can give them the lattest info and give them a chance to come back to your site., as well as provide them more information. You can network within the video sites depending on the site.. this way you can add more friends, have people subscribe to your videos (and be notified when you have a new video), and you can send them messages.
If you do this, and network well, you will start to get more subscribes and more views, and better ratings on your video.
If you build your site, and web it around linking yourself from other popular sites, and effectively use web 2.0 methods... they will come.
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massive 2.0 traffic
8:16 AM
Build it and they will come? Pt 2
In part one of this series of articles, I explained how "build it and they will come" isn't always true, but I also gave you a glimpse into the world of web 2.0. See the world of the internet is different. There once was nothing at all on the web, and look how much there is now. There is essentially an unlimited amount of space for more and more webpages. If the servers run out of room to store all the information, they just make bigger and faster servers. There are a limited number of domain names under a certain amount of characters, so certainly the demand for certain domains goes up and it costs more, but there is an unlimited amount of domain names and subdomain names if you don't put a limit on the amount of characters. Unlike the real world, when you build a site, it can exist in a place that nothing at all existed before. If you built something on a populated area, people would notice it, and the saying "build it and they will come" almost has to be true. But in the online world, unless you have something connected to your site that exists in places that people already know about, your site will just be like an island in the days when there were no boats to find them.
I still believe that the phrase "buil it and they will come" is true on the web, but just as their are different rules for how and where you can "build it", there are different things that must be involved in the building process.
The first thing you must do to survive in the world of web 2.0 is to associate or connect your site, either by talking about it, a video about it, or a link to it, or a social bookmark of it to an already existing and populated area. This is like building signs that point to your "virtual real estate".. You should develop a strategy of making your site known by creating a large presense in the web 2.0 community. It's called the world wide web for a reason, and if you wanted to be included, you'll have to "web" your site, connecting it to other sources. Since the search engines "crawl" these webs regularly, they will "crawl" through the web, and find the new webbing leading to your site. The more of these "webbings" in populated areas, the more often your site will be crawled, and the more significance the search engines will place on your site. Now in Web 2.0, the uer is the one to crawl these sites, but it's different in the sense that you really don't have to "web" out to another site for the web 2.0 users to crawl you. You can just list yourself oor bookmark yourself on these social bookmarks, and the social bookmark network will automatically web you in their own way for their users to "crawl", rank, and the community will decide what they like better.
But don't limit yourself to just one of these methods, combining the old methods of webbing your site and branching it out to other successful sites, in combination with adding yourself to these new social bookmarking sites, will allow you to get people from the search engines to go to your site, and if they have a social bookmarking toolbar instead, they can click a button, review your site and if it's a subsection of your site that hasn't been added, they can add it, if it has already been added, they can say they like it, or "digg it" or sphrul it or furl it or a variety of other terms and phrases they use to increase their ranking in these social bookmarking "search engines". In addition, you can use other methods of promotion that have always been effective, but due to the surge in web 2.0, might not be as effective as before. But if you combine these techniques with web 2.0 techniques, you can mek your site even more popular then before!
For example, article marketing has ALWAYS been a great form of promotion, ever since article directories and internet marketing has been discovered. But it has increased in popularity, and there are more articles than ever, and their are massive amounts of article directories that people use software to submit it to all of them with a click of a button. There's even some that can take the same article, or a couple of them, spin the paragraphs and phrases, reword phrases using a thesaurus, add in a few common phrases, and automatically come up with a unique article. So how in the world ar you supposed to survive using these tactics? By using web 2.0. Add your article into your social bookmarking directories, both on your webspage and on a top article directory or two. Maybe you "stumble it" as well as put up a button that allows users to "digg it" Now users that "stumble it" might come across it and not only say they like it in stumble upon, but they'll say they "dig it". Once your site gets ranked higher for having more "diggs", it will also get stumbled upon from digg users checking it out... If you make this a high quality article, put it in the right categories, and use this method, it will be very viral.
Using techniques like this, and many others will help give you a huge boost in traffic.
Posted by
massive 2.0 traffic
8:15 AM
Build it and they will come? Pt 1
Build it and they will come... or so the saying goes... Unfortunately in the world of the web, build it and they will come is only true if you build it in a way that they can't help but be magnitized to your site. Previously on the internet, the only way you could do this was tomake your website compatible for the search engine, and to optimize it for the search engines, and then either market it using other people's sites, via link exchanging, or building the links on the web in the right places so your wsite would rank high in the search engines for the right keywords. However, the internet has changed. We are no longer in an primative phase of the internet, we are in "web 2.0". We make the web, we let the bookmarking sites (the "new search engines") know that we like the site, we tell the bookmarking sites and everyone else using it to remember this site, and let other people know it's worth checking out.Now there still is over 50% of the traffic comming in through regular search engines, particularly google, yahoo, and msn, but it's getting more and more popular to search "social bookmarking sites". Sites like where you can press a button to randomly be taken to a site that the community has reccomended, as well as search for sites that people of similar interest like, or even your group of friends that like the site. If someone just adds all of the sites they want people to go to, and tries to "spam" these social bookmarking sites, the community will let the bookmarking community know that it's not a site they reccomend. and soon the spammer's site is banished. Previously you would have to wait until someone decided to file a complaint to google or the search engine... and it could take 2 or 3 months, sometimes more until they actually do something about it, and by then, the spammer would just have a new domain, a new site ranking high in the search engine using their "black hat" methods. Aside from sites like stumble upon, there's sites like The more "diggs" a site gets, the higher it ranks in the bookmarking's form of a search engine. You let other people know you "digg" the site by clicking a button. Then there's sites like where you can use keywords to let people know what your site is about. Then there's squidoo lens to orginize information, to put up lists that people among the squidoo comnunity can rank. YOu can make posts, put up video etc. Then of course there's Myspace, the huge social community. Although people don't use this as much to find new sites and tell each other, you can develop friends, send out messages to your entire list of friends, create groups, and of course submit videos, or put videos on your "myspace page". In addition you can promote your band, send out classfied adds, tell people about events. Facebook is very similar. Of course then there is, a social network of people posting and watching videos, as well as writing comments, sending messages, etc. People can easily copy and paste the link to embed it in their site, and people can click a couple buttons and email the video to their friends. Now since google has bought it, they are comming up with an add that goes on the bottom of the video, that you can use just like adsense to generate revenue from.
But it's a new world wide web... A web for the community, by the community. If you want to survive the world of web 2.0 as a marketer or web owner, you're going to have to make several adaptations. You're going to have to learn to intigrate various platforms to allow people to use these tools on your site. You're going to want to make it very easy for your users to tell entire communities that they like your site.
Web 2.0 has arrived, and if you want to not more than just survive, you're going to have to learn the tactics required to not only do well in the search engines, but do well in these social bookmarking sites, and other web 2.0 material. Then you will not only survive... but thrive
Posted by
massive 2.0 traffic
8:14 AM
Monday, November 26, 2007
test 2
In the last couple post, I talked about stumbleupon and Digg...
Now I'm going to talk about another social bookmarking site. This time, I'll talk about Netscape propeller. While Digg's search results, and Furl's and other sites results are based on the OVERALL number of "diggs", Netscape is more related to the amount of bookmarks (propells) a site gets within a time frame. 100 propells within a year isn't going to be listed as high as 35 in 16 hours. So Once you're receiiving traffic, a lot of times you can make a new post, put a netscape propell button on it, and if you get enough bookmarks to propell quick enough, you can be listed on the front page of propell which will result in a quick couple thousand of views... However, because of this, propell would normally be subject to a lot of spam, and useless articles. Digg had one the other day that said "digg this if you don't care about black monday"... But where Digg just sort of lets whatever comes to the top go to the top, Netscape propell, actually has a group of editors that will sort through the top content, make sure it's related to the things they want it to be about, and they will manually sort through the things at the top and put what they want to on the front page. If you can actually write quality content, this is to your advantage.
What you actually can do is use your traffic exchange credits to launch a massive promotion to one specific article, blast out ome classified ads to it, have the propell button clearly listed, and have you and a couple friends propell the article... Hopefully if you do things right, you can use the quick boost of visitors to your site to get a bunch of propells quickly, and get listed at least on the top of your category, which will lead to several more propells, which might lead to a front page. Which will lad to MASSIVE traffic, which will lead to a bunch of diggs, stumbles, etc. The instant boost of traffic from traffic exchagnes, will lead to a larger instant boost of visitors, which will lead to a bunch of diggs and a high digg rating, which will lead to a lot of medium term traffic, which can build a lot of long term visitors to your site. When using Propell, keep a few things in mind.
Here's some tips on how to get a lot of propells
Write compelling content.
-Write a very good title
-Study what the other top propelled sites do... see if there's a certain style that the editors like.
Send a list of your subscribers to the post by broadcasting a message. (I use getresponse)())()link()()()
Have a bunch of systems in place such as traffic exchange referral links, ads, blogrush, etc. Make sure you also have articles and perhaps videos and press releases out so you are already getting a steady flow of subscribers.
-Wait until you have monotized your sites with RSS subscription buttons, other social exchange buttons, bookmarked the sites using these buttons, an autoresponder form to catch the subscribers, and various other methods I talk about in the newsletter.
After You have done all of this, and have, dugg, stumbled, furled, etc the article, as well as dugg, stumbled, furled, etc anything you have promoted, or someone else has done promoting your article...
propell all the things promoting your article.
Once you have done this, blast out your ads, make a post in popular forums with a signature link to the article suggesting they propell itpropell the article, propell the article yourselff, have your friends do it... direct all your traffic exchange traffic to it, make more posts in the forums, and watch the traffic come in. This may take a lot of initial set up, and it might take awhile to get everything right... but trust me, it's worth it.
If you are going to put an ad in your post, be warned that you will probably get docked, and visitors won't like it... But if you do... Wait until AFTER you have cracked the front page of propell, because then you can at least slide it in and get massive traffic bfore people stop coming to your site from propell. Also, be very covert about it, and don't blatently advertise. Actually solve a problem related to one your post presents, and make sure it actually adds value to your readers.
You are probably better off avoiding it altogether the first time. Once you can consistantly generate top propell stories, you can experiment... But it's probably not worth jepordizing potential long term traffic (as well as short term), by putting a bunch of ads in there. You can have it on your other posts, and you can have it on your site itself, but leave it off the post/topic you are propelling,.
Posted by
massive 2.0 traffic
7:25 PM
My MOM uses Stumbleupon!
Stumble This Post!
Stumble Upon is probably the latest craze that is getting bigger and bigger. I actually hear my MOM talk about stumble upon... apparently my sister was told about it through one of her friends who probably had been told about it through another friend... And my mom saw her doing it, thought it was cool, and decided to try. So I got this email the other day from my own mother about how she had found this cool site through stumble upon... When that happened, I knew that stumble upon and other social bookmarking sites are on the verge of becoming something HUGE. I'm talking, lookout myspace, here comes the next youtube. Then at work I overheard a woman who was in her 60s talk about how whenever she needed the latest news, or to check if a rumor was true she googled it. Now the younger generation is usually WAAY ahead of the rest of the world. When Youtube started booming shortly before google bought it out, everyone in their 30s and 40s was starting to catch on... the younger generation had known about it for the last year or two!
So if an older person talks about regularly using one form of technology... it's time to move onto the next... Now my mom uses the computer a lot, so she actually is usually only a little bit behind the youth in the recent craze. She found out about "the secret" while it was still being hyped up and before it was released, and months and months later it was on Oprah (which she loves) and it had kind of reached it's peak.
I go through a few things, some which become popular very quickly, others not for awhile... But one way I really know that something is going to catch on fast... is when it's related to something that's already popular, it's introduced in a new way, and one verification is when old people start using and talking about using the sites or technology that this new one replaces (in this case social bookmarking sites are replacing search engines). However, the ultimate verification is when my mom tells me about it! I know that it's starting to expand into a whole different target market, and that means it's probably spreading into other markets as well.
Stumble upon is real fun because you have a toolbar on the top which has a few buttons. One is "start stumbling", or "Stumble!" if you've already logged in. The other two are "I like it" and "I don't like it"... there are a few more buttons as well. If you click on the "stumble" button, you will be taken to a seemingly random site, but you are actually taken randomly with "weight" given to those that has more people that like the site. In this sense, the "rich get richer"... But of course, the stumble users will love this, because they are taken to sites chosen by the people for the people. There are also certain categories that you can choose, and you will only be taken to sites within those categories. If you only want to stumble your way onto games, you can choose "games" as your ONLY category. The result is visitors that WANT to be at your site... In addition, if you are searching the internet, and you "stumble upon" a site that you like, but found on your own through search engines, or whatever method you use... You can click "I like it" and a screen will pop up if this site has never been stumbled before, allowing you to pick a category, and write a description and a review. You can add your Top Stumbled sites to your "favorites" and you can build a list of friends, just as you would through digg. Since people aren't exactly searching for sites, you don't have to worry too much about keywords. You basically have stumble taking visitors to your site anyways. You can create a button for stumble upon... just as you would for Digg, or any other social bookmarking site, but because of the toolbar, you often don't even need a stumble button to get a lot of stumbles... A couple stumbles will lead to a few more, etc.... Of course, If you do add a button it will be more effective, and get you more adds.
Now if the interface is easy enough for my mom to use it... Anyone can, and it's probably going to catch on pretty fast... But if it ALSO has more advanced features -- when everyone else is just scratching the surface of what something can do, you should be diving into all of the features.
Now there will be tons of people just VIEWING these sites, thinking it's just random, and perhaps not even knowing what the "like it" and "don't like it" button do. And certainly not realizing that these websites are created by a community, and that you can choose categories, add friends, add sites, etc. Right now, I've just added a few of my sites, and added a few stumble buttons on my posts... But you can be sure that over the next few days, I'll be adding friends, becomming familiar with ALL of the features both on the toolbar and the sites themselves, implementing them, combining this witht he power of other sites like Digg, and developing a marketing plan around it. I'll update you with more info on how to use stumble upon soon, so subscribe to my blog, maybe even start using it and Stumble This Post so you can keep track of it.. and watch out for the next post I make about stumble.
Stumble This Post!
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massive 2.0 traffic
6:44 PM