There are certain methods of traffic, that if done right, are self perpetuating. What I mean by this is, they don't require any additional work once set up. For example, traffic exchanges reward you with "credits" for either surfing through sites, or for referring others to the traffic exchanges. Surfing requires work, so it is not self perpetuating. However, if you put up a site with traffic directory referrals on it, and from the people viewing your sites on the traffic directories, enough of them sign up for the other traffic directories to make up for the credits that you spent to advertise for the first traffic directory, you are generating more credits than you are spending to advertise this site. In this sense it is sself perpetuating. If you could pay for ads via adwords or other ad services, and promote a site for very cheap, and your site had ads where you made up for your cost of advertising, you would have self perpetuating profits, provided you didn't have to change your ad campaiign. Unfortunatly google doesn't allow you to put up adsense on sites that generate traffic through traffic exchanges... But The idea is, you want to create a bunch of systems that are both self perpetuating in terms of profit, and self perpetuating in terms of traffic. I am now going to show you a plan that compoundsthis method (or at least attempts to! Unfortunately you need a high conversion to make it work for the traffic exchanges, and so posting ia list of the traffic exchanges to join on the side of your site probably isn't enough. The focus needs to be on traffic if you are going to make this work. You may have to upgrade your membership for this to work IF the traffic exchange will upgrade your amount of credits per referral by doing so. However, paying monthly usually isn't smart, so if it's a one time fee, go for it, if it's monthly consider it, but probably don't do it. So basically you want to create a site promoting the other traffic exchanges, and a secondary optional focus on affiliate programs related to traffic. But in order for this to be self perpetuating, this alone isn't enough. You want to capture visitors email in an autoresponder. This way if they miss signing up the first time, they still might signup for n email list that will convince them and give them the details of why they need to sign up and if they already have to create another aaccount. You can use their email for MANY other things down the road.
Now If this method is truely self perpetuating, you can send your viewers here rather then to your actual site. Now on this site, you might have a small link at the bottom that goes to your actual site or blog if you wish, or you can put a link to it in your email. It's more important to funnel others into a self perpetuating method than to go to your site, because every 1 visitor might mean 1 more, which means 1 more, which means more and more and more. Now there are many other self perpetuating mthods, this in itself is not special... HOWEVER, I will now show you how you can combine it with so many other methods...
Another self perpetuating method is writing articles. It's not in the same sense that one visitor will lead to more due to the other visitor on it's own, but it will continue to generate views over time. Now if you can add to this article skills that enable it to rank high in the search engine, then you have people click on the search engine and search for the article, and you have people viewing the article... And if you use Digg for the article, you can have people view the articlethrough searching through digg. But Now you can link to your "digg" story and get people that "digg" this will increase it's rank. Now if people "digg" it, and it's ranked higher, more people will see it, which leads to more "diggs" Now you can send the article to those who signed up for your list the link so they can "digg" your story. You can post links on forums telling people to digg, and you can even make an article about services like dig, and your link can tell them to "digg" you. . Now there's methods on "myspace and other social netorks that can get it self perpetuating. Posting videos on major video directories are somewhat "self perpetuating, because one video view might lead to someone checkign out your video profile which leads to additional video views. Now if you have links on your videos to your blog and/or your articles and other things, you're going to get more visitors. Now you can submit classified ads telling people to check out your traffic secrets, and when they sign up you can email them a ink to your article, and have them "digg it" and then you can send them a link to your video... and you can post your video on your myspace profile, and you can keep adding things like this. Connect as many self perpetuating traffic ideas as you can, and then move on and create another entire group of these self perpetuating methods... When you have a few going, you can link to each other... just a small link might be enough, but find a way to connect them, and make them unique. For example, you might have 4 groups of sites or blogs all pointing to the other 3 traffic directories... they might consist of Traffic G, Traffic Swarm, Traffic Splash, and TS25... And your other group might consist of Magnify traffic, SavvyClicks, Web Biz Insider, and Fast easy traffic.You can then modify your posts to say something like "did you sign up for these traffic exchanges, if not you should check it out, you can create self perpetuating traffic by... (continue to explain). IOnce you've done that, if you want to set up more of these you can either sign up under a new name, or you can check out other traffic exchanges like you'll find here (link to your other related site)"
Now both systems are basically mirrors of each other, but once you web them together, as long as they're fairly different, but not too much, If you can link them together and direct your traffic in that direction without sacrificing your conversion rates of the other ones, your self perpetuating method will magnify itself again.Not only will you be getting a continuous stream of traffic, but you will get an increaseing stream of continuous traffic. You will continue to add MORE of these on.... Now suddenly Methods that MAY have not been worth your time before suddenly are. Before you might only get a small number of people clicking on a classified ad and to your site, but now that small number gets stuck in a vortex, and in doing so allow you tto generate more traffic. Compounding traffic. Now why not crreate a website promoting an ebook on traffic. Now you can promote it on your traffic blogs or through the newsletter.... But what's more, in the ebook you can direct the people to your blog explaining the tactic, and in addition, you can teach them how they can use their autoresponder to generate profits by referring your ebook. Now every customer becomes an affiliate for your ebook, and they also sign up for traffic exchanges through your link.. They also use the same exact tactics you use, so they will also set up automatic streams of traffic. DO you see the power here? Just in case your self perpetuating traffic boost wasn't self perpetuating enough, you have those that buy your book to become your affiliate, so every person that buys your book might go on to get 5 sales each, which get 5 more, etc... but they're also setting up self perpetuating traffic themselves. Now there self perpetuaing traffic is designed to promote your ebook... But even if people don't buy your ebook, they'll probably check your site out and click on it, and maybe sign up for your newsletter... Your newsletter will then send them to your blogs, which generates more credits, which generates more buyers whch generate more affiliates, which generate more buyers, etc.. In addition people are diggin g your site because they've signed up for your newsletter, they're digging your articles, your videos, and everything else is growing... Now in the future you can create systems that are similar but focus on promoting a list interested in growing a business or building a website. You can sell an ereport on how to build a website, then in those ebooks link them to "how to build a business" which links to "how to build a website" which links to "how to build traffic"...
Now after all of this, you are creating an empire, however, you want to promote this stuff to affiliates. You want to do JVs, and get super affiliates... continue this over and over again... then you can use your network to takeover the different niches, you can create a social network, and single handedly build it, you can essentially revolutionize the internet.
Free Traffic Exchange Secrets!
Traffic Exchange secrets
Sign up now to get the secrets towards self perpetuating traffic! I hate spam as much as you do and I promise never to rent, sell or give away your email address to anyone else.Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Revolutionary traffic
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massive 2.0 traffic
11:20 AM
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