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7 more quick tips for even more traffic
okay, so my first article wasnt enough... people said they want more... so I decided to make 7 more quick tips. This is a continuation of my previous article titled "7 quick ways to get more traffic for free" Here are some more great tips to get traffic to your blog or website FAST!
1 Press Releases - a press release is basically an announcement to news publishers that you have a neewsworthy event. This could be something that actually physically gets put in a newspaper in some foreign country, or it could be something that gets put in google news, or it could go into something such as (online news source like drudgereport?). Submitting press releases to publications like offers youan opportunity to have the popular news sites such asyahoo news or google news list you. If this happens, your traffic will soar, and your backlinks will increase. People will not only link to your blog as the source of something, but they will also link to the news article. People will often have news rss feeds on their blog to update the readers with googl'es latest news reports. As a result you will get massive amount of traffic, exposure, and your search engine ranking will improve as well.
2 Answer sites(yahoo answers askville, etc), -Now I'm sure you have probablyseen yahoo answers, and msn Q+A, and perhpas other question and answer sites such as But have you considered how targeted this traffic could be? You will often see search engines have yahoo answers resolved questions in the search engines. In addition, people that type in that question to search for, or if they view a related question, yahoo answers or another service will redirect them to a previous question. So answer a lot of questions related to your niche, and you will be able to direct people who have a problem that you can solve, and bring them to your site.You want to answer their question a little bit, and enough to get them to choose your answer as best, but you want it to be enough so they still want more information. If you have a site, And someone says something like "what fishing lure is the best to buy?" you can answer the question by saying Hi, I'm Mike from , choosing a fishing lure that's right for you depends on what type of fishing you're doing, and what kind of fish you're planning to catch. For example, if you're fly fishing you'll need a lure that can.... (explain) if you're deep sea fishing you'll need a lure like.... (name). Since you weren't specific enough, I made a free chart at my site that I link to in the resource section that ranks the best 3 lures from each category based on customer satisfaction, price, and style, and a few other factors... Good luck fishing, glad I could help"
This would alsmost surely get voted as the best answer by the community if the asker doesn't choose it first. But now someone might search for "how do I find a fishing lure" either in the search engines or in yahoo answers, and your answer will show up!
Of course you can ask the question too, but do it without seeming like you have no idea what you're talking about for example ""What's your favorite fishing lure" will be the question and the details might be "hi it's mike again from, according to (whatever your source for your lure chart) XYZ Lure is the best based on (list factors), but I wanted to see what you personally like best out of the following: (list them). If you are unsure of the prices or something, I made a chart that can be found inthe resource links"
Now as you can see, both of these methods are good ways of interacting with the community. In addition, you get a chance to see what people passionate about your niche actually want. You can ask questions related to what they want for your next product, or you can search related questions and see what they're looking for. Businesses spend (millions) of doallars on market research every year, and on product testing. You don't have to spend a dime if you use sites like yahoo answers propperly.
3 RSS Feeds - Rss FeedsAre a way to "syndicate" your websie. RSS stands for "really simple syndication" WEssentially by having your RSS feed visable to others, it makes it easy for your visitors to keep track of your website automatically. If they wanted to go to "my yahoo" and have brief summaries of few of their favoritee sites so they didn't have to manually visit them all they could just submit RSS feeds to their "my yahoo". What? you're asking, why would you want them to not have to visit your site? Because chances are, if they see a post of interest, they'll click on the summery to read the entire thing. If they only go to sites via "my yahoo RSS feeds" they probably weren't going to find your site anyways. Think of it as another way of them being able to "bookmark" your site.But there's severla things you can do with your RSS feeds. For example, you can submit them to RSS directories. This way, people might even be searching for RSS feeds in these directories, looking for Sites from their favorite topic that they can quickly skim over on their site. Of course anytime you can use additional webpages either your own, or others to promote your site, the more exposure you can get and traffic you can expect, but a big reason why RSS feeds work is because other people might post them on their blog where it's visable to everyone. You might even consider posting an RSS feed on your site or blog. This way you have fresh, constantly updating content on your site. Search engines reward people that have constantly updating content, which is why you see some people that regularly write in blogs have some of the top search engine rankings for some search terms.
4 Link Directories - Link directories are a plce for you to get backlinks. High traffic link directories have the advnatage of other people who will potentially click on your link as well as giving you a high quality backlink. Get your link out there.
5 Ebook Directories - Ebook directories can be a great source of traffic if you have an ereport of some form. The ebook basically gets the readers interest, and if someone is seeking out ebooks on it, chances are that person is very passionate about your niche, and is hungry for information or services, or a product that YOU provide. Ebook directories might not bring a ton of traffic, but you can submit your ebooks to giveaways, and things like that, as wel as giving others the right to give the report away. If every person gives it to 1 other person on average, you will have increasing, exponential amounts of traffic... Even if this isn't the case, more visitors to your site who will possibly refer others, or refer other people, will still allow you to accumulate additional traffic.
6 Video Directories - Of course, we all know what youtube's worth to google... 1.6 billion! But what's it worth to you? People spend tons of money advertising on regular TV... But a recent study shows less people are watching tv... why? because more are watching youtube! And ANYONE can post his or her video on youtube, all you have to do is sign up. There are no fees of any sort! Computers are getting faster, able to handle more information than ever before, and people are taking advantage of it by downloading the latest videos. People can watch youtube on their iphone or itouch, or other mobile devices! It's obvious there's tons of people watching videos. And since there are much less videos than webpages, and because of youtubes awesome feature of putting related videos on the side whil you watch another video, it's easier than ever to get noticed! Add to that the fact that you can appear on "most watched" "most liked" or "most referred, and you have several ways to get traffic to your video just by posting it. Now if you don't have a webcam, or digital camera to use to make your own video, and you don't have video avaialble on your computer that you can leally use, it's okay. Simply head over to and download it for free. Now you can record your computer creen. If you ahve a microphone you can use that while you record. You can make a "secret link" on your website and post a video at how to find the "secret link" (perhaps it rewards customers with a discount!) You can explain it and post it on youtube. You can make a slideshow and recrord it with music playing and put it on youtube. But of course, you get nothing for video traffic, so you have to mention your website, have it at the beginning and end of each video both with visuals and audio. In addition, post a link to your website on the description. Alright, another backlink, and it's hightraffic too! Aside from submitting your video to google, there are plenty of other sites such as myspace video, google video,, and a ton of others.
7 Traffic Exchanges -Traffic Exchanges on there own turn off most webmasters and marketers. Sure, you get traffic, but all traffic exchanges are is a big collection of people clicking on others links, just so they can get people to click on theirs. They enter your site with no intention to check out anything. They might not even look at your site... But that's only because most people are using traffic generators all wrong. Traffic exchanges are personally my FAVORITE form of traffic. Now before you tell all your friends how crazy I am, listen to my reasoning. So traffic exchanges require you to surf other people's sites in order to generate traffic, right? Wrong. They require you to either surf other sites, upgrade your account, or refer others. By referring others to traffic exchanges, you earn credits. Some traffic exchagnes reward you MORE credits for referring others if you pay to "upgrade" your account.. But Reccommending others would take a lot of work, and once you stop, the credits stop accumulating right? Wrong again. You see, people searching traffic exchanges ALL have one thing in common... They want MORE traffic. Well, if they sign up for MORE traffic exchanges, and surf two or three windows at once, or even more, they can get credits faster, and they can get traffic faster. Obviously if you're using Traffic G, it would make no sense to referr traffic G users to sign up for traffic G. But you could reccomend that they check out web biz insider, or fast easy traffic, or traffic splash for example. Now if you were to get 3 visits on average for every referral you get, and you post 3 traffic exchagnes for them to sign up for, how many people would you have to get to sign up in order for you to have more credits comming in, than you have going out? with only 1 traffic exchange listed, you'd have to have 1 out of every 3 sign up... but if you have 3 listed, you only need 1 out of 9. But if you combine it with other methods like for example if you havea form to sign up for traffic secrets, you can often get people who wouldn't take the time to read why they should sign up for more traffic exchanges, but they might just fill in their name and email address. Your follow up email might get maybe 4 of those 8 out of 9 that didn't sign up for the other traffic exchanges. Now you want to pay attention to which traffic exchanges you can upgrade for better referral credits, or perhaps you need 3 credits to get someone to view your site as a free member, but as a premium member you might only need to use 1. Getting more credits going in, than comming out is essetial. Now In addition, you'll want people torefer others. If you use techniques such as having a free ebook if they refer 3 friends and give their email address, and if you have a link telling them to "digg" your site", and if you have a product and can convert some of your customers into affiliates who will bring your site to 10s or hundreds or thousands of more people, suddenly although in terms of actual visitors through traffic exchanges go, you might be spending more clicks on generating visitors to your site than actual referral signups to the traffic exchanges, but because your site is "sticky" and uses other traffic techniques, you not only get more people comming back, but you get those people that come back to bring others with them!
Again, keep in mind that the #1 resource people want that use trafic exchanges are... TRAFFIC. If you have a product or site related to traffic, you absolutely MUST use traffic exchanges. If you have no product yet, or are willing to wait awhile, you can set up blogs to generate traffic generators. Set up several of these and if you can get them all generating more credits than you are losing, without having to spend additional time on it onmce it's set up, you can use all your credits to promote a product once you have it. Promote this blog using methods explained in this article, the previous article, and other viral techniques and whatch the effect compound!
signature...: everyone wants more traffic! We all love to get traffic, and we all wish we had even more of it. Now we all could get more traffic if we just would decide to take action to (learn how to get the traffic secrets now)!
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7 more quick tips for Even MORE traffic
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massive 2.0 traffic
8:51 AM
Labels: gauranteed web site traffic, seo, traffic, traffic exchange, web 2.0
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